Wednesday, December 12, 2018

LEGO Table, Part II

Our LEGO table is already a popular choice among students! (You can read below about its construction.) Here are some early pictures of students at work (and play!) with the table:

 Haven't been in yet? Teachers are working on getting classes in to use the table, and it's possible that you might be in during your AO time. Or just stop by and ask--we'd love to see you!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The LEGO Table is Here!

After receiving a DCG Education Foundation grant last spring, the HS library is now able to offer a LEGO table to students and teachers as an curriculum extension and makerspace activity. Because of the generosity of district staff members, LEGOs were donated as well, and soon students and classes will be able to take advantage of this great opportunity!

We were able to use discarded cafeteria tables as bases, and since these tables fold, our LEGO base can be two-sided and the entire LEGO table itself is mobile. Construction on the table began recently--check it out!

Baseplates were slowly added by gluing them to the plywood base and securing them with LEGOs.

The finished product is now in the library and ready to go! 

We can't wait to see what you design and create! Feel free to stop by and play! You might even find yourself in the library with a class that's taking advantage of the new table.